Tuesday, 16 December 2008


I believe the hardest task anyone can saddle him/herself with is working towards being the perfect replica of somebody else. It costs and involves a lot.

Also, anyone who chooses to be like someone else should be ready for constant [and annoying] evaluation; people will continuously measure your 'transformations' with your ORIGINAL's identity. This could be very frustrating if whatever they say is a far cry from what you want to hear. It is cheaper being YOU. It is only a 'competitor' than stands the risk of being defeated...

On the other hand, nobody desires to ‘photocopy’ an ‘original’ that's a failure. Everybody wants to duplicate a SUCCESS. Obviously, pirates don’t go after artistes and albums that don’t sell. Thus, as an ORIGINAL, when you become successful in anything, there would always be someone waiting in the wings to ‘duplicate’ your style, approach and principles. While this may be the shortest route to ‘success’, it equally has its cons.

I can't argue the fact that some folks may have risen to fame and stardom through duplication of 'successes', one fact we shouldn’t downplay is the fact that the Almighty created us to be ORIGINAL - He equally placed in us all the resources required to make this possible. Without doubts, living life different from our Creator’s standard has its own disadvantages... There is a portion of the Holy bible that says: "What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and LOSE HIS SOUL...”
In relation to this post, I think the above can be interpreted as saying: “what will it profit a man if he LOSE HIS SOUL (uniqueness, originality, conscience, individuality) in his attempt/desire to gain the pleasures of life!” The message is simple: Be ye ORIGINAL!!!

It is not out of place to be inspired by people. It only becomes tragic when you let their ORIGINALITY expire yours! I believe it is good to adopt the style and principles of others. However, we have the responsibility of developing ours and thereafter blend theirs with it. To my mind, the effect of other people’s uniqueness ought to make you a BETTER person! It shouldn't transform you into what you were never meant to be! You must make a conscious choice not to get lost in other people, especially in this crazy age that forces you to become what you don't have natural ability for!

Every time I get the privilege of speaking at University campuses and to young people, I never fail to tell them: “get inspired by me, don’t get expired because of me.” All too often, young people easily get carried away by the glittering ORIGINALITY of others, without necessarily focusing on how they can harness theirs. Be yourself, so someone else can adore you. You have a life – LIVE it!

When 2 persons are alike, one of them would certainly lose relevance. The 'photocopy' becomes a ‘spare’. Besides, why on earth should anybody buy 2 shirts of same size, same colour and same design?
Maybe one of the main reasons you have been losing fame, money and relevance is because you are the perfect replica of someone 'around.' Take note of 'around'!
Why should people come after you when your style, product and principles doesn't reveal anything UNIQUE? Nothing sells like DIFFERENCE! Today's leading organizations appreciate this fact, this is why they work assiduously on building a U.S.P - Unique Selling Proposition. They devote so much energy and resources in building and projecting their difference.

Fact is, as a PHOTOCOPY; no matter how much you may try, the credits always goes to your ORIGINAL. All attention shifts to your original, despite your sweat.
Question: why should anybody come for you when your ORIGINAL is still very much around and can be gotten very easily

Looking at a perfect example in the bible, Elisha never gained prominence until Elijah was taken away by the Lord.

Folks, it is too expensive and somewhat detrimental to be a PHOTOCOPY (this is different from being a PROTEGE). It takes away more than it brings.

In life, everybody likes variety. In fact, variety is said to be the spice of life. Thus, if you truly want to be a “spice” in life, be UNIQUE! Refuse to opt for 'pseudo' when you can effortless be a great YOU!

Work on your personal brand. Don’t be ashamed to be different. This is where your wealth and relevance is, celebrate it!

Let me end this post by asking you 2 very important questions:

· If we decide to separate your thoughts, style and principles from your friend’s and those you admire, what will you look like?

· Do you truly have a life you can call yours?

Wednesday, 10 December 2008


Hello people, it’s been like 7days without any post. In reality, I wish I could update my blog daily, I truly wish. No thanks to my crazy schedules and several engagements. But for these, this passion of mine won’t be blinking; I will look for a way around it before long. Trust me!

Of late, I have been thinking. Thinking about my generation, our numerous acts of modernism and what we would be offering the next generation. Fact is, we truly can’t talk much about the present or the future without basically looking at the past. Can we please wind the hands of the clock backwards a bit?

Once upon a time...

1. There was dignity in labour, our people were proud to do something with their hands and feed their mouths from their sweat. Women didn’t ‘use’ their bodies to get whatever they wanted, neither did men seek for opportunities to criminally exploit and extort resources.

2. There was the celebrated spirit of communal living; everybody in the community lived like a family. Every child was the responsibility of every parent and every parent was every child’s guardian.

3. Values and morals were not strange to us; only those who were high in morals and values ever got to be honoured or decorated.

4. Our definition of leadership wasn’t different from the global view and civilization.

5. Those we LOANED our votes to did everything to improve our living standard. Because to them, that was what they owed us for the trust we bequeathed on them with our vote.

6. We were spiritual, there was nothing like humanism. We knew God truly exists and EVERYTHING we did was done with this consciousness.

7. We had a security system we could really call secured and safe.

8. We were a people who valued our words and promise; there wasn’t the issue of African time or ‘diplomacy’.

9. Education was the responsibility of the GOVERNMENT. There were [functional] public schools everywhere and education was seen by all as the RIGHT of the Nigerian child. Education wasn’t privatized with those who can afford it made to believe it is a PRIVILEGE. Talk about slavery mentality!

10. We had known criminals who robbed with guns, machetes and other weapons. Unlike now, the HOLY BIBLE wasn’t a prominent weapon of robbery; we didn’t have robbers in priestly garments.

11. We once had fathers children truly adored and respected, as they provided the indispensable father-figure and leadership qualities. Now, children look outside of their homes to choose “role models”.

12. Virginity was a thing of pride. Society didn’t make people ashamed of their sexual innocence. Mothers didn’t put their daughters under pressure to lose theirs before marriage.

13. It wasn’t very difficult to have a reliable and trusted ally. Trust wasn’t very scarce.

14. We did everything to prevent rogues from ascending leadership positions. No gift was big enough, neither was any lie good enough to buy our conscience. We valued leadership, thus we did everything we could to ensure that only people of value ever had the privilege of leading us.

I am wondering which age this is. My questions and worries are much. What age is this? What a blunder we have made of life and living! Do we call this the digital age, the age of Armageddon or have we strolled into to the biblical Perilous times? Are we close to the end of the time? Can life ever be worse than the way it is now?

Since these are not questions I planned to answer, I guess I have to pass them to you!

Monday, 1 December 2008


You never get bored in Nigeria, there is always something new to ‘bother’ or laugh about. Indeed, this is a ‘happening’ country. But, it becomes really worrisome and nauseating, to both Nigerians and the rest of the world, when the loss of a life is involved in our ‘happenings’. In most cases, the loss is treated with levity and triviality. This further makes the rest of the wonder if we have 'VALUE FOR HUMAN LIFE' in our national dictionary.

The Nigerian people woke up last week to hear of a new political violence and bloodshed in Jos, Plateau State. This is not the first time this is happening in that part of Nigeria. Something similar occurred during the Obasanjo/Dariye days.
However, this present incidence started a day after the local government elections. I don't think anyone needs to be convinced if it was politically motivated or not, we know our people and what they can do if they are denied of anything - irrespective of whether they are right or wrong.
It beats my imagination that in Nigeria, we are still in short supply of gallant losers and genuine winners.
The media was awash with news of massive rigging of the elections. Reports from those on the field say the elections were indisputably won by the opposition party: ANPP. Whereas, the state is governed by a PDP governor. Perhaps, the governor has an 'instruction' to deliver, by all means, to his superiors in Abuja!

Why are our politicians brainless and numb? All of a sudden, the violence is now wrapped with the face of religion; they are trying to divert attention from the main issue by saying it is a case of 'religious intolerance'. Politicians! They say it is a brawl between Moslems and Christians. We are not all fools, our people know when their intelligence is being insulted and their docility treated as stupidity. Most of us have friends and loved ones resident in the city of Jos. They have told us what’s been happening, how it started and who's responsible for it. We hear this has got nothing to do with religion.

As at Sunday 30th November 2008, over 200 Nigerians have lost their lives owing to the mayhem and lots of houses and properties razed. It seems to to me that our ‘rulers’ believe that the loss of 200 of her citizens is really nothing to worry much about. If some governor or high-ranking traditional ruler had been killed in the process, the hypocritical elements in our 'rulers' would have prompted them to call for national mourning.

Right now, the Jos people cannot buy or sell. People are starving and they have no idea when this would end. The markets are not opened. People of the state are hiding in bushes. Many peasants have lost the properties they spent years to gather. Many children cannot find their parents and parents cannot locate their children. The banks are out of operation, people are cash trapped. 3 youth corpers were butchered; one was killed inside the church while he was on phone giving his brother minute by minute report. These are young people who left their parents and family members to a 'strange' land to serve their motherland, only to end up being killed. It is indeed a sorry situation.

For those who don’t know, Jos is one of Nigeria’s most beautiful cities, but it is economically and industrially backward, compared to Lagos, Port Harcourt, Abuja and the likes. There are very few industries operating there and entrepreneurship seems not to be encouraged as the state is largely regarded as a civil service state. Imagine the devastating effect this violence and meaningless destruction of properties will further cause the economy of the state!

What is our problem? Why are our people this heartless? Why has the craze for power and relevance made us lose the most important gift God gave man – CONSCIENCE?
Our youths are being used to perpetuate these evil, just because somebody somewhere must get into political office and continually enjoy undeserved prominence.
Shame! Shame!! Shame!!!

May God help Nigeria.

Monday, 24 November 2008


This is a like a follow-up to my earlier post. By the way, I got all your mails and also saw the fantastic comments you guys sent via facebook. Thanks guys.

Today, I want to look at an attitude that is gradually becoming a culture amongst us. In today's Africa, people speak negative of anyone better than them. A poor man believes every rich man is using ‘something’... this readily serves as a comfortable defense for his poverty. Any young lady doing well for herself is assumed to be 'using' her body. Any young man who is well-off is assumed to be into fraud.
Hardly will you find anyone who will effortlessly celebrate anybody who is ahead of him. To my mind, this is one of the foremost reasons we are still backward as a people. Why? We believe there is nobody worth learning from. The effect? This has made success to continually elude us. It is shameful that this mediocre mentality is been handed down my generation!

Fact is, you can’t become what you blackmail. You can never look like what you talk down. You can't learn from someone you are resent; you can only learn from someone you celebrate and respect. What you respect will inevitable come to you. What you do not respect will continually run from you. You attract what you revere.

In my own little finding, one of the reasons why some people are not still rich or up in their game is because they criticize the rich and those well-off than they are.
They just hate rich people! The Holy bible warns against this! In the book of Proverbs, King Solomon advised: “don’t criticize the rich, even in the privacy of your bedroom...”

Respect is poles apart from love. What is the difference? Love is when you find something attractive, while respect means to see something as valuable. Respect is not the same thing as love. That I love you doesn’t mean I respect you... It is the love of money that is the root of evil, not the respect of money. These two mindsets come with an attitude and approach. It is the attitude that always determines the end result.

There are people who are doing what you cannot do. Respect them, and show it! Don’t trivialize or belittle their efforts, eulogize them! The surest route to the ground is to continually criticize those who are up. Nature works with principles. God is a just God. He cannot give you what you openly or secretly criticize. He may not be fair, but He is just! His word says: “do unto others as you would they do unto you...” Here is the revelation: you will reap WHAT you sow, not WHERE you sow! If you appreciate someone’s crown and express it, you are explicitly telling God: “I love the crown; Lord, it won’t be bad on my head too!” It won’t take long, you would attract it. It is not people that give us our recompense, it is God!

Respect people doing what you cannot do. The Holy Bible says: “He that waters shall be watered...” In my own phraseology, this means that HE THAT WATERS WILL DEFINITELY BECOME WORTHY OF WATERING.... It is only a man that genuinely appreciates people that will experience appreciation in all areas of life. This is one fundamental law of success that cannot be broken by time, nature or persons.

Study carefully the lives of those who aren’t making progress in certain areas of their lives, chances are that they are the ones who refuse to applaud those who are ahead of them in their game/field. When they see somebody who is doing extremely well, rather than say: “THE MAN/WOMAN IS DOING VERY WELL, WE NEED TO ENCOURAGE HIM/HER TO CONTINUE...” Their pride won’t let them appreciate someone else's laudable efforts. You would hear comments like: “The Guy/Lady is ‘trying’... There is nothing special about what he/she is doing; it not something I cannot do............... I am just taking my time... Very soon, people will also know the stuff I am made of....”

You cannot resemble what you resent. A great man once said it is only those who respect money that can multiply it. This is deep, let's reflect on it!

I have seen folks who are every time uncomfortable being around individuals who are doing better than they are. They would rather be in the circles of those they are better than; so they can be seen 'stars' by those who they are 'better' than......... This is a defeatist mentality. In Africa, we call this: LOCAL CHAMPION! This is a inferiority complex and poor self esteem. If everybody around you is eating from you, you will soon dry up. Wisdom demands that you at least have someone you are also ‘eating’ from. Every child has a father... every father is [supposes to be] someone’s child!

In addition, that someone isn’t like you doesn’t mean he/she has a problem or is inferior. This belief has ruined many relationships - business and romantic. Over the years, I have noticed that people are not always comfortable with anyone who is different from them. This is wrong! How then can you grow mentally, if everybody around you is like you?

I am reminded of the university experience. Our belief then was that anyone who is studying a course different from ours is in a very easy-to-pass department. We always felt our course of study was superior to others. We were blinded to the reality that everything in life is interlaced. The doctor needs the accountant. The engineer needs the lawyer. The journalist needs the agriculturist.... At that point of our lives, we were blinded to this reality. Our feeling of self-importance clouded our sense of reasoning.

Whoever is not like you is not inferior. They are just who they are – DIFFERENT/UNIQUE! God never created anything useless. If you believe you are not useless, then nobody is. Refuse to think less of another man. Fact is, we don’t really see people as they are. We see them as we are!

It is high time we develop the praise/appreciation culture and dump the hate culture. The easiest and surest way up the ladder is the celebrate those who have succeeded in climbing. Like the bible says: “Seedtime and harvest time will not cease...” If you don’t respect other people’s authority, you will never become an authority!

Thursday, 13 November 2008


Isn't it amazing how we most times go all-out just to win the approval of people? We do everything just to be on the good books of anybody and everybody, even when it is noticeable that some of them don't really give a damn about our person!!!

Over the years, I have discovered that many people lost their fire for life, their fighting spirit, their daring attitudes, their will to be and do --------- merely because of one form of rejection or for the reason that somebody somewhere registered his/her abhorrence and intense dislike for them.

I have always believed that anything good will be hated by anything evil; the best will always be hated by anything average...
On the other hand, people will always criticize what they don’t understand. Besides, it wouldn't be an act of wisdom for anyone to embark on a ‘you-must-love-me’ campaign... Life is too short to permit that luxury! We just have to live our lives the best way we can and trusting God for the grace to be the best person we should be!

I am tempted to believe that Jesus Christ was faced with a similar situation at one point of His journey, hence the remark: “all the people the Father has sent to me must surely come to me....” He was confident destiny had assigned some special people to His life and no matter what, they will surely come to Him and stick with Him. This ought to be our conviction also, we also need to have same perspective if we must enjoy our journey through life!

This is the reality of life: no matter how nice you are, there will still be haters around. While some will hate you for being 'too nice' - they will describe it as 'foolish', others will hate you for being 'too independent' - they will describe it as being 'rigid'.......... There will always be persons who have intense dislike for you merely because of your physical height or body built...... Some hate you for being 'too smart', whereas to others, you are just one dull chap! Some will say you are 'too rich' to be their friend, others will say you are too poor..........................

The truth of the matter is, most of these folks are people who envy/admire you and will do anything possible to be like you. Isn't it a shame that it has become a culture to us Africans to always criticize anyone better than us? This is why to the average man on the street, anybody richer than he is definitely got his money through shady means........ This attitude is what I like to describe as IGNORANCE ON RAMPAGE!

While it is important to sometimes hear/listen to what people think about you, don’t ever make the mistake of asking/listening to anyone who doesn’t have any ‘investment’ in your life to tell you your 'story'. You will never get the truth from their lips!
Imagine asking the devil to give you God’s resume? Everything you will hear from him will be lies and proof of his hatred/jealousy!
You will never get the true picture of your life from the lips of those who have not invested anything in you!

At another point of Jesus’ journey, He needed to know what people thought about Him, so He asked His folks: “What does the public think of me...?” He got some responses. But, as if to prove that what the ‘crowd’ think doesn’t matter much, He didn’t emphasize on what He was told their perspectives were. Rather, He went further to ask those who had invested their time, sweat and resources on Him: “who do you think I am....?” These were the comments He eventually held dear to His heart!

Don’t try reading your story from the lips of those who don’t like you; they've made no deposits in you, so they won’t speak right about you!
Refuse to fake just to win admiration from people; you are not a failure because some loser somewhere said so! Stay true to who you are and you will attract genuinely nice people.

You must happen!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008


Anybody can have [or own] a dream, it cost nothing, absolutely nothing. In fact, it is the freest commodity on planet earth... I once said in one of my articles that the challenge of this generation is actually not the lack of dreams [or ideas], but lack of focus. Focus is the major prerequisite for the realization of any dream.... Every young kid on the street has dreams, but most of these dreams are still in the category of WISHES.

As I travelled around Nigeria during the month of October to honour several speaking engagements, I had the privilege of meeting a number of young Nigerians; the [supposed] hope and determinant of the beauty of the future of this nation.

I was really astounded with the discovery that most of these young ones may end up living the kind of sorry lives their parents had lived, if not worse! One of the core reasons for this conviction is that most of these young ones have very impractical dreams/ideas about the future, their approach and attitude to life and their dreams are not any different. The truth is, our parents had dreams of and for their future... But, where did they end up? Isn't it clear through their lives that having a dream is not the only basis/criterion for greatness? There is more to what success demands than just dreams.

Dreams can’t and don’t fulfil itself. While it is your responsibility to develop dream for yourself, it is also your responsibility to work it out. God’s responsibility is to reward you for fulfilling your responsibility. This is apparent in His word: “I will bless the labour of your hands....... Whatever you lay your hands to do, it shall prosper.........”

I have discovered that many young people in our generation have very lofty dreams, great and fantastic dreams. But, most of these dreams have no ladders. There is no [concrete] plan on how they intend to fulfil it; most of these dreams would finally end up in the trash can of wishes or in the comfort of their graves when they finally exit this earth! Someone once said: “If wishes were horses, everybody would own one!” The question is: “what is a wish?” A wish is a plan-less aspiration. Simply put, a wish is a desire without plans/strategies to meet its actualization. If only we could just think and ask ourselves why our fathers failed!!!

God had to CREATE planet earth... He went beyond dreaming; He constructed a ladder [plan] to the actualization of the dream. Developing a personal dream/vision is the first phase, but most people make it look like the only phase!

In one of my recent meetings, a young lady told me how she has dreams of owning one of the biggest schools in Abuja, she told me how the school would look like and lots of other fantastic things. I was so enthused by this great dream that I asked her: “what are you currently doing to ensure that this great dream become a reality....?” She had no answer, none! All she stopped at was the dreaming aspect of success actualization. I wonder how she hoped it will ever come true! It was obvious she was already thinking like many religious folks who always shy away from responsibility by saying: God will do it....”

Truth is, every great man who is presently at an enviable height had to begin from where he was... he had to act on whatever dreams he had.... any man who got to the mountain top had to CLIMB there, not JUMP!

At another meeting I had recently, a young man said his dream is to become a presenter on CNN in the next three months... While his case looks in some way ‘nice’, this is because he has given himself a time frame... Yet, the laughable angle is that at present he has nothing to do with any media house in Nigeria.... He’s never had! But, he his dream is to become a top-notch presenter for CNN within a year!

Nothing wrong with the dream, but he needs to create a ladder! I told him CNN is like a ‘destination’. He needs to have bus-stops; places where he needs to horn and refine his skills – he just may need to start out as a co-presenter with any of our local TV/radio station, gradually he would build his confidence and know-how of the job.... A 'height' like CNN is not for amateurs. They don’t give starters the opportunity to learn there. They don’t groom starters, at least his kind.

You may want to conclude that these two folks are really dumb. I beg to disagree! I see folks like these ones everyday... Theirs is quite reasonable, compared to others who can’t even explain their dreams, but they know they have one. This is the challenge of our generation.

Many of our university graduates either have no dreams of where they are taking their lives to, while others have some ludicrous and unworkable dreams. I believe this is one reason why the spirit of entrepreneurship is gradually dying in Africa; the spirit of responsibility! I have interacted with lots of university graduates who just stay in life to grow older – nothing more, nothing less and nothing else!

While I am a strong believer in having big dreams, what however makes a dreamer and his dream look daft and dippy is when there is no ladder to the actualization of his dream.

Success is a product of planning. Success is a product of strategies. Every dreamer must learn how to create plans. You must have a structure/plan of HOW you hope to achieve whatever great dream you have. Most probably, it will require you to start somewhere. Your plan will also tell you where you should start from, how and why.......... A dreamer without a plan is actually playing. He is but a joke, and his life may also end up same way.

In addition, you must learn, understand and appreciate the power of action. The difference between a failure and a success story is that one effectively used the gift called: “NOW!” Any man who truly wants to live his dream must first wake-up and if you will ever make progress, you have to first get started!

A conventional dreamer may know what to do, but the wise ones know what to do next. They don't just hope on their dreams, they ACT on them! They don’t squander their present, hoping miracles will happen! They know that success comes in bits. Thus, they look at their dreams and ask themselves: “What can/must I do now? How can I maximize my present so that my future will appreciate?” They create a plan ---- short term, midterm and long term strategies that will see them getting to top of their game............... These are the few ones that slowly but surely become the celebrities and success stories amongst us.

Folks, it is not enough to dream. Create plans. Start from somewhere. Align yourself with folks who have what you don’t have but what your dream needs. Access your strengths and your weakness. Start strengthening your strengths and look away from your weaknesses; the quality of people you connect with will help cover your areas of vulnerability and deficiencies.

You must happen!

Wednesday, 22 October 2008


Any Nigerian who is truly mindful of the future will be bothered about the present condition of things in this country.... I don’t want to over-flog certain issues, as such; I am looking away from the food crisis, unemployment rate and unemployability dilemma, financial corruption, insensitive political manipulation...

I am very vexed and deeply concerned about the moral future of the average Nigerian youths. At the moment, the picture of the future seems very bleak and depressing. We can’t keep pretending that it is nothing to worry much about. Fact is, each one of us will someday pay for our silence and docility regarding this issue. Sometimes one wonders if our conscience has taken sudden flight from us!

In today’s Nigeria, the average kid of 6, 7 and 8years is becoming very heartless, pitiless, brutal, ruthless and non-emotional. Visit our schools and you will hear of certain degrees of violence meted-out by these minors on their peers. Is this their reaction to what society has forced them to learn? When you hear how some of these violence and insensitivity is meted out by these toddlers, your ears will tingle, you will weep! One is forced to ask: “How did this start? What have we done to ourselves? How did we lose it? Where do we go from here?”

We can’t keep pretending this is not a problem that requires urgent consideration and attention. Deviously fighting financial corruption and other superficial vices without pondering on how to consciously build morals and instill values in the next generation of leaders is an exercise in futility... Insensitivity and moral bankruptcy is being handed down like some form of inheritance to the younger ones... The school system shouldn’t look away from this either; academics without character is not education!

In one of the ASA’s songs, she reeled her viewpoint this way: “There is fire on the mountain and nobody seems to be on the run.... One day the river will overflow and there will be no where for us to go, we will run, run… wishing we had put up a fight…”

Once upon a time, we were a people with high reverence for morals and values! All of a sudden, certain attitudes and actions we formerly considered as taboo, evil and wicked have suddenly become good, nice and right in the eyes of a lot of us... What's more, the spirit of communal living is dead. Everybody minds his/her private concerns... The days when every child was the responsibility of the community he/she lives in is long gone.... every parent now guards and defends their child from the discipline of others, notwithstanding the distasteful attitude he/she puts up.

Every sense of morality and values has since exiled from our midst. Our youths now live life like people who are beheaded; they don’t think before acting anymore! Our sense of the future is virtually comatose... If we keep hiding our heads and shifting responsibility, we may someday wake-up only to realize we have been wasting our national life, due to our downplaying issues concerning morality and values...

One wonders if there’s a future for any nation whose media constitute a deliberate threat to the moral fibre of her young ones. Our music and movies are not any good. Everything is being done with only financial gains in view... The belief of almost every Nigerian artiste and entertainer is that to make it big and rise to fame, you have to exploit the vulnerability of people... Unfortunately for our young ones, most of these morally bankrupt individuals are projected/endorsed as ‘ambassadors’ and role models... By these ones, our children and young ones are constantly bombarded with warped perspectives to life... We are gradually raising an MTV generation, in Nigeria! Nobody seems to worry about its effects!

While I am not [deliberately] trying to sermonize, I want to state here that any country that downplays spirituality, all in the name of modernization is sick and really needs help. It is evident to all that America started losing it when she opted for this path...

It’s time for us to tackle certain fundamental issues. We must hold the future dear to our heart and consciously work towards building it. A child not carefully and appropriately trained will someday become a treat and a dread to society. By this I also mean, an [awful] attitude not addressed in its infancy will someday develop to be a disgrace and a source of embarrassment to the ‘owner’ and her neighbours.

We can build a desirable future, if only we want to! We know exactly what to do, but have constantly focused on what we can do nothing about... It is time for the much needed paradigm shift – in our thinking pattern and attitude to life and our future!

We must speak against and fight anything [and anyone] that attempts to weaken and demoralize our collective future! Our younger ones [future] deserves something better!

Tuesday, 14 October 2008


Self-imagery [HOW YOU SEE YOURSELF] matters a lot in the equation of success. There is no way you can be successful if you see yourself as ‘not-good-enough’ or a ‘never-do-well’. Our perceptions of life are what attract the circumstances of life to us... “AS A MAN THINKS IN HIS HEART, SO HE [and situations] SHALL BE...” This implies that Nigeria will NEVER be productive for those who think she is cursed!

From experience, I have discovered that over 88% of individuals in our generation suffer an esteem problem. Their lives have been wrongly shaped by the situations, suggestions and opinions of other people. In many cases, the opinions were intended to be a joke. But somehow, it had a negative effect on the person it was used on... Whatever goes into the mind must someday cry for expression.

Dear friends, the people around you are the ones who paint the picture you will have about yourself. This is why it very important you consciously hang around people who believe in you and who use good words on you. We are all made by words, what we hear and believe shapes us.... What we hear is what decides how we see ourselves...

The way you see yourself is what decides what you pursue. Your self-imagery affects your goals and dreams... This is why how you see yourself is as, if not more, important than how you see God. Ask the 12 spies and the 2 leprous men in the bible...

God never created an error. He never created a failure. Every man has a star, what matters is just SEASON. When Jesus Christ was born, it was His star that attracted the 3 wise men... Even Jabez had a STAR; he later became the one that saved his city...
Just as you have a unique STAR, you also have a SEASON. Make a conscious choice not to faint before your SEASON shows up. When your SEASON dawns, your success will be uncontrollable, uncontainable, overwhelming....

Against all odds, make it a deliberate decision to always see yourself in positive light as a great person and to always say good things about life and your Creator... Never create or allow room for regrets.

I am very confident that “THE-NEXT-BIG-THING-TO-HAPPEN” just read this piece.
You will succeed!

Friday, 10 October 2008

The RIVER or the POND mentality...

What is life without impact? What is the essence of being alive if you can’t positively affect the lives of those around you?

To my mind, the whole essence of life is to positively affect other people and make their life better. Let’s reflect on these timeless words.... “Let your light so brightly shine such that men will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven....” This simply means that your impact in the lives of people should make them thank God that somebody like you exists...

“You are the salt of the earth...” Salt is designed to add flavour to meals.... As ‘salt of the earth’, you have been created to add value to the lives of people... A life that doesn’t contribute VALUE is a waste of time. When people think of you, what solution comes to mind? If you should leave this planet tomorrow afternoon, what are we going to miss?

Until you have people in mind, nobody will have you in mind. Jesus fed 5,000 men, this was after he had taken the pains of tendering to their spiritual needs.... Spiritual food and physical food... We understand that they ate until they were full, it was beyond some form of 'Holy Communion.' The bible also had this about him: “He went about doing good...”

We must drop our pond mentality and accept the river mentality. A river flows, but a pond retains anything that gets to it.
Dear friend, when you close your hand from giving things to people, don’t forget it is also closed from receiving....A man that waters will inevitably be watered... Nothing invested in the life of a fellow man is a waste. Your reward mustn’t necessarily come from those you invested in, but your harvest is guaranteed!!!
Most times, some of us refuse to invest in certain individuals because we can’t imagine ever needing things from such people anywhere in the future...... In case you have never noticed: our future is not written on our foreheads. Besides, NEVER EVER CONCLUDE ON A MAN THAT'S STILL BREATHING!!!

Have you noticed that every pond has a foul adour? But, a river doesn’t stink! You must learn to be a channel, things should pass through you! If you choose to be a ‘withholder’, people will hate being around you. I believe this is one of the little secrets of politicians.... We must learn how to spread the little we have, however we can to better the lives of others. A wise man once said: "those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot hide it come from coming to them..."

Folks, I believe there is at least something you have that you currently don’t make use of and somebody somewhere is dying to have it. Reach out your hand in love! If you must affect your world, you must realize there is a need...reach out! There are problems everywhere, don't pretend you don't know about it!

When the Bible says “the memory of the just is blessed...”, what it actually meant was that every time people think about a just man and whenever his name is mentioned, the people are happy... This is because of his contributions to their lives... A just man notices there is a need in the lives of people, and he moves ahead to meet it. You may not be able to meet everything, but there is always something every one of us can contribute.

People need mentors. They know that without a mentor, they will will melt-up. People need direction. They know that without direction, they will be slow in motion. People need instructors... People need teachers... People need role models; they need people to pattern their lives after.... A man without a role model will soon become an old model....

There are problems everywhere.... if you refuse to solve the problems you see around, you are already part of the problem.......

Be rest assured: if you decide to look out for yourself alone, nobody will see you... Start looking out for people and everybody will notice you.

This is the key to relevance and happiness: adding colour and beauty to the lives of others.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008


As we slowly but surely travel towards the end part of the year, it is so vital for us to review our strategies and dispose of whatever isn’t working or producing for us...
I have always believed that life is more spiritual than physical; despite all the book knowledge, broad exposure and wide ranging experiences we may strive for have, nothing substitutes for God-knowledge and God-consciousness.

Therefore, to have a productive and happy ending this year, you truly have to make God a central part of your every step.
The Holy bible says: “Who is he that plans a thing and it comes to reality, if the Lord’s hand is not involved...” It further says: “Except the Lord builds the city, the builder builds in vain...” and “Promotion doesn’t come from the South, East or West, but from the father ABOVE...”

At the end of the day, “Except the Lord watches over a city [business, family, relationship...], the watchmen watch but in vain...”

Dear friends, as we live each day and go about our dealings, let’s hold firm to the Creator of all creatures so we can enjoy His creation and live life as He designed.... No doubt, you may still have huge challenges and goals you thought you should have achieved or risen over before this time of the year.... It is still very possible!

Folks, it took God only 6 days to create this entire planet.... including all the wonders in it that amazes you...
Between now and the end of the year, you still have over 74 days for a miracle to take place in your life... there is more than enough time for God to do the unimaginable in and through your life.... This year will not end until your story changes and your dreams achieved!

THE KEY? ASK, SEEK, KNOCK! Nothing comes from Him except you A.S.K for it.... “For I will give you the desires of your heart...”
Your asking Him is a proof of your total dependence, reliance and confidence on Him and a reflection of the fact that your hopes are not entirely on your strength.... It is only Him that can crown the efforts of our hands with good success!

When you A.S.K, He will give you direction and send relevant people into your life to make your dreams fulfilled and desires achieved.

Dear friend, you can still end this year very happily. The key is in your hand... “For God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all you can think, ask or imagine...”

Your creator is interested in your wonderful and successful ending. But, it will never be possible when you alienate and keep distance from Him...
“FOR THE THIEF COMES TO STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY....” The goal of the ENEMY is to ruin your end part of this year. The ENEMY doesn’t fight your START; he waits for your END part. He doesn’t fight conception, he fights delivery... He didn’t fight January – September, he is waiting for October – December!
This is why it is very important to hold on to the one who came to: “GIVE YOU LIFE AND LIFE IN ALL ITS RICHNESS AND BEAUTY...”

You must happen!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008


Happy independence, Nigeria!

Unlike every other year, I am so happy about this year’s celebration, maybe it’s because the Nigerian people and the world generally is gradually falling in love with the ‘Nigerian-thing’.

Dear friends, this is the best time to share ideas, not just drink, eat or sleep. It is more than a holiday. This is the best time for us to look at where we’ve been and decide where we want to be in 1year, 5years, 10years time. It is not up to ‘Aso-Rock’ alone, every Nigerian is a decision-maker as far as our national progress is concerned.

To start with, every nation is ruled by systems. America is said to be the greatest nation on earth; this is because of their systems. No president works all by himself... He is under the rule of systems. Thus, the rot in our system is not personage, it is systemic. Therefore, for a better and more virile Nigeria, the system must be re-worked.

The systemic problem is what has defectively affected the mentality of our people. Up until now, our minds have been conditioned to look up to a central body to take care of us and our needs. The ‘slave-master’ thing is still there... Thus, a married man believes his only responsibility is to impregnate his wife; the rest is left to government.

Our minds have to be reconditioned. The million-naira question is: HOW?

Let’s look at 2 very practical ways....

I have discovered that virtually everybody has passed through both or one of these 2 fundamental systems: the religious system or school system. We have all gone or still going through these systems.

If you carry out a very scrupulous scrutiny, you will discover that a lot of our mental conditioning has been a product of these two systems. The defects in our society are a reflection of the rot and decay in these two systems.

First, the school system must be restructured. Up until now, the school system has made everything UNI-DIRECTIONAL. Students are trained to rely on a central body for their wellbeing and future. Thus, when he fails, there is somebody he throws his blame at. Students are not trained to RESPOND TO THEIR ABILITY, but to rely on other people’s ability... The minds of these young ones are conditioned to worship wealth... Their minds are accustomed to be dependent – the SLAVE MENTALITY... These young ones are trained to shift responsibilities. Since most of us have passed through this system, we were also mentally conditioned same way...

For a change, entrepreneurial thinking has to be taught and emphasized. Responsibility thinking. There is more to life and living than what the system currently offers. These young ones, who are supposed to be the productive strength of the Nation, are so ignorant of what truly works. Like Plato once said: “what you know is infinitesimal compared to your size of ignorance...”

There must be conscious redefinition of standards for redirection for the benefit of the FUTURE.

Each citizen of a nation is an independent idea that can develop this country. This implies that we have over 140million ideas to move this nation forward, this is much! All we need now is for each citizen to express his/her unique being. The reason babies are born every day is because the world is not yet what it should be. There is something every person can contribute, there is. We are the most blessed Nation on the face of the earth, yet we live in the poorest conditions.

How do we move Nigerians forward? Simple! Let every Nigerian be courageous enough to express his unique being. Have a personal dream that will profit you and your country, and fight to make it a REALITY. Despite the several odds - where there is a will, there will be a way. As individuals, we must have the “what can I do” mentality.

Let’s embrace the RESPONSIBILITY mentality – RESPONSE TO ABILITY.

I will talk about the defective religious system tomorrow...

Have a most productive and fulfilling 'independence-day' celebration!

Tuesday, 30 September 2008


I once had a friend who lost a relationship so dear to him owing to his temperamental problems. The sad part was that he wasn’t willing to change or seek help. He just saw it as part of his make-up.

On a certain Sunday afternoon after church service, I made up my mind to talk to him. The sum of what I told him is that being TEMPERAMENTAL is being short sighted... Also, when you check out the synonyms of temperamental, you will discover that words like UNRELIABLE and UNTRUSTWORTHY are used. Which implies that a temperamental person cannot be trusted because his moods are inconsistent. Poor management of his/her emotions always betray them.
To my mind, a temperamental person is TEMPORALLY MENTAL.
While this article is not intended to outrightly condemn temperamental individuals, it is however my style when i speak or write to first say things as they are, then proffer solutions...

As a temperamental person, you effortlessly lose the point you are sweating hard to pass across. I have seen folks who out of anger said words they could not retrieve and others who destroyed properties they could not pay for. I believe that in many instances, our point is better made with silence... Without any doubt, it is easy to manage our temperament. You must not be under the control of situations. The Holy bible says: “...when [even] a fool keeps cool, he is assumed to be wise...”

I want o share with you an article I believe will effortlessly drive home my point. I read this piece about 1week ago, it was written by Samson Milla Akpaka and titled HOW TO CONTROL BAD TEMPER.

Once there was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he would have to hammer a nail into the fence in the backyard. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.

Finally, the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to control his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him back to the fence. He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, you also leave scars just like these holes."

Next time you are about to lose your cool with someone dear to you, think about the fence full of holes and reconsider. When all is said and done, “YOU CAN NEVER TAKE BACK SOMETHING YOU SAY BUT YOU CAN SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE APOLOGIZING FOR IT."

Thursday, 25 September 2008


For what? I won’t let go!

Not in this life, I must get my pound of flesh!

Me? Never! I must fight back!

Let the heavens fall, my mind is made up – he must go through same pains I went through!

When you hear words like these, it is a pointer that some person is incensed, exasperated or enraged at some other person, event or experience and thus has his/her mind made up on some form of REVENGE! More like, pay-back!

Perhaps I should start this piece by saying that anger is common to man. Each one of us was designed to get angry at some point or the other; it is in our make-up. In other words, every man’s anger has a price tag! The Holy bible doesn’t condemn anger; it only spoke against UNCONTROLLED anger. This, in most cases, is what leads to revenge. I always tell my folks that "before you embark on a revenge plot, make sure you dig two graves – one for you and the other for your target." What’s my point? Revenge always takes something from you. It takes more than it brings! It puts you on a lower level against the person who offended you. It makes you look guiltier!

ANGER IS A PROSPECTIVE DESTROYER. It also doesn't respect gender or age; it ruins anybody who can’t control or keep it in check! Many marriages and relationships have been wrecked on the wings of this destroyer! Many folks have lost their jobs and source of livelihood because they couldn’t manage their anger. A number of well-known celebrities and personalities have been seen fighting and cursing in public arenas because they couldn’t keep their anger in check.

When you fail to control your anger, you will inevitably ruin yourself, your dreams and become a disappointment to those who love you. Let me stress this again: ANGER IS NOT A SIN; IT BECOMES A SIN WHEN IT IS NOT CONTROLLED. By the way, there is old maxim that say: "keep your temper to yourself, nobody needs it..."

Guess you can still remember the story of Moses, it was [uncontrolled] anger that ruined him.... despite all the wonderful things he did for God and his people, anger deprived him of getting his reward. He patiently waited for his reward for forty years, yet [uncontrolled] anger killed his dream...

Beyond uncontrolled anger, there is another twist to this, it is called: misdirected anger! Misdirected anger is as awful as uncontrolled anger. More often than not, it has wrecked many [business and romantic] relationships and marriages!

I have seen folks who were annoyed, irritated or frustrated by certain events or individuals, only to end up visiting their anger on innocent people. I mean, discharging their anger on people who are totally unrelated to it... Transferring aggression to the next available 'object', despite its innocence!

There are husbands who were been frustrated by certain individuals or [work] issues, only to end up unleashing their anger on their [innocent] wives... ANGER IS POWER ONLY WHEN IT IS CONSTRUCTIVELY AND SENSIBLY DIRECTED.

Dear friends, there are trouble-free and uncomplicated ways to handle/manage anger, irrespective of its height. To start with, see anger as a potential destroyer – let it sink in your brains! Nobody needs your temper, keep it! More so, when anger is not controlled, you lose the point you are trying to make.

So, when you are been irritated or exasperated by certain situations or someone, choose to see it as a challenge to prove something, certainly not to your disadvantage! That situation could be an avenue to prove the level of your maturity and self-control. Besides, you will lose nothing if you refuse to act wild!

The late Florence Nightingale was facing certain annoying situations at her place of work and was constantly been frustrated by her [work] colleagues, she chose to see it as a challenge to get to the top of her game, by all [legal] means possible. She did!

Dear friend, make it a deliberate choice to learn wisdom from every situation you are faced with. Avoid any action that will make you look guiltier than whoever offended you. Besides, you don’t have to whine, gripe or fight over everything. Life is too valuable to be wasted living in anger and constant bitterness

This closing point is very very important point: don’t be friends with angry people, else you will learn their ways – this counsel is straight from the Holy bible, God's word!

Therefore, if you are a business owner or a team leader and you notice some UNREPENTANT broody, angry, resentful and indignant fellow in your team, get rid of them as fast as you can, else they will infect others and crumble your entire organization.

Finally dear friend, if you fear God, comply with every bit of His word. The bible says: “anger rest in the bosom of fools...”
What this definitely means is that if you allow anger stay with you over a long period of time, you are equated to a fool.
There are folks who have a bad habit of keeping quarrels with people for ages, they find it impossible to let go! It shouldn’t surprise you that some of these individuals who are in the habit of ‘preserving’ anger at some point even forget what made them angry...

Dear friend, never ever sleep with anger in your heart... Let it go!

Friday, 19 September 2008


God Almighty created and conditioned man for continuous increase. All through our lives, we are developing and growing, from birth till death.

However, we are daily made by the little and insignificant deeds, acts, decision and thoughts we express..... We are constantly being recreated and reformed on a daily basis... We are becoming our future by our transitory existence.... we are transforming ourselves by what we are doing and thinking.

We grow strong or weak by what we do daily. While some are hoping and expecting to live, this is life for you – we are already here!

Dear friend, handle today wisely, invest it. Do the little or much you can with what you have, from where you are and however you can.

Great minds like Benson Idahosa, Tiger Woods or Oprah were not made in the open or by one breakthrough or accomplishment... They were made in the secret recess of their private practices where no eye could see them. The stage or field is an opportunity embracing prepared and trained personality. Develop your greatness; there will surely be a day for your EXPRESSION.

Develop yourself to be a resourceful person, trained and skilled in the shadows of your privacy.

You must happen!

Tuesday, 16 September 2008


It is natural with humans to be envious of whoever is doing what they can't do or gotten what they haven't. Fact is, it doesn't matter which continent you live in, you can't be alienated from these kind of people.

'Enemies' are everywhere; don’t be fooled to think you don’t have any. If you are a human being, you will have critics and oppositions. These people are pursuing a goal, a dream and a purpose that opposes yours. There are people who will never be comfortable with your success, NEVER EVER INVEST THE LEAST OF YOUR TIME WITH SUCH PERSONS.

Stop trying to make people like you before you do anything, your dream doesn’t need fans! Fulfil your vision, because everyone including your enemies respects results. If you fail they will hate you, but if you produce results they will result. Why waste away waiting for their sympathy when you've not done anything?

Keep working on your dream, silently keep building greatness, refuse to be drawn into a quarrel. They just want to distract you.... They will them talk, they will try to pull you down.... Like the aeroplane, let every wind that comes push you further the ladder of greatness.

From experience, I have discovered that people don’t give a thought about you until you decide to give your life some direction. Negative words and statement are signs that your vision and drive is offending somebody. Don’t be pressured into explaining anything!

Let me share this secret: the hidden value of your dream and its interpretation is not hidden from those divinely sent to help you. You will always identify those meant to help you!

Like the wise men that came to Jesus, they will read and decode your star from a distance.

It is not explanation your haters and oppositions need, it is separation – don’t waste time with those who don’t believe in you. It is what it is: A WASTE OF TIME!

Vision accomplished is the only way to make peace with your ‘enemies’.

You must happen!

Friday, 12 September 2008


You will always be like those you associate with. I have always believed that another term for communication is ‘Brain Modification’....

those we associate with are always modifying our brains.

So, if you are not happy the way your life is turning out, change your association. On the other hand, if you are happy the way things are going for you, do everything to maintain your current relationships.

Walk with the dreamers. Walk with the believers. Walk with the courageous. Walk with the cheerful. Walk with the planners. Walk with the doers. Walk with the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Walk with those who are not threatened by your little success and your dreams of the future. Walk with those who have ideas with passion to help and lift you......

Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better that what you found in it..... Associate with the creative people wherever you find them, pocket your pride – content has got nothing to do with age.

Talking about age consciousness, this is not just peculiar with Nigerians, I think it is an African problem. The average Africa is consumed by the 'size' of his age. Expectedly, this largely depends on the kinds of people he associates with. He will rather make friend with his 'age mate', than a younger fellow who apparently has what he lacks... To my mind, this is one of the main reasons the only achievement the average African has to his name is his age..................

Irrespective of chronology, when you see someone who is doing or knows what you are breaking your head to know or do, please associate with them! Protect that friendship, it determines where your future is headed.... Make friends with them, go where they go, talk with them, appreciate them, listen to them, be open and receptive to them, let them inspire you. Catch their attitudes, their ways of thinking and living.

The world is limited and small, our dreams and visions are limitless and great, we must patiently persist in growing our greatness, in a very limiting world, most importantly as a developing nation.

Hope is the pillar that holds up the world, keeps it ablaze.... I have always said that as humans, we can survive without food or water for a considerable number of days, but we cannot survive without hope for a day. Hopelessness is the reason for suicide and several other dehumanizing activities or acts people get involved in. Hopelessness!

Associate with those doing what you are dreaming of, those on the same lane you are traveling on... This builds your hope, encourages, you and gives you a positive sense of living.

You must happen!

Monday, 8 September 2008


Life is a puzzle, a mystery! What the system strives for is not what works. Ignorance of the principle and operation of what greatness really means has kept the world in its present state for a long time, particularly Nigeria.

We have often failed to agree that greatness is acquired by acting as servants and learning to accept instructions. Only those who subject themselves to strict discipline and service will experience greatness. Proud and arrogant souls never attained greatness, neither the timid or those who lived in fear.
Humility is the pillar of greatness, it cannot be transfered or taught. It is gotten by self-discovery.

Life is now, stop brooding about yesterday's defeat. Refuse to be cheated! No one has a monopoly of life, success or greatness.
I have always held as true the believe that anybody can be great and truly achieve whatever he sets his heart to. The godfather factor and favoritism that has clipped our wings of national success will soon become history. A new breed of people who have the right perspective to life are warming up [they are in their individual refineries, developing and building themselves for national impact], ready to take charge on every side... in Nigeria and beyond! In the very near future, they will step out on the horizon to take charge of things and re-write our national story.

However, dear friend, be true to yourself, be simple and humble. Life is complex already without YOU.
Things don't just turn up in this world until somebody turns them up, and only a fine-tuned man can turn things up. Connect with your God, Creator and Maker. I believe that no matter the volumes of books you have read or have, if God is not in the picture, your life will be reduced to a struggle.

On a final note, man is made by his thoughts, his world is made by his acts. We all make mistakes but to live and reach for your dreams is the bliss of life... living daily, doing our best and reaching for our goals is the fulfillment of life.

Thursday, 4 September 2008


The common denominator between successful individuals and the very successful ones is DISCIPLINE.
Nothing can substitute for DISCIPLINE. The Holy book says: “If a man falls in the day of challenges and difficulties, he is of little strength and no character...” The true test that you are a person of character is revealed in your choices when nobody is looking and when challenges shows up in the ‘dark’. You can't pretend for long, tricks are meant for kids and adults who still bask in it always become gallant losers at the end.

Dear friend, if you desire to be successful, work on developing your character. Reputation isn't everything. Reputation is who people think you are, character is your real identity. In most instances, the reputation and the character of a lot of people do not correlate. Their reputation is simply what they want the public to believe...
Tell yourself the truth; you know the areas you are lacking in - work on it, on time! If only you can develop your character, you will attract good things [relationship, finances, helpers, wisdom..] in your direction.

Everything is produced from something! Everything we do is a seed, IT MUST GROW! I believe there is no soil as fertile as life. Therefore, if you cannot handle the ‘harvest’, stay away from ‘planting’.
YOUR FUTURE IS ALWAYS A HARVEST OF YOUR PAST. Any man or woman who wants to have an enviable future cannot afford the luxury of being a loosed canal or a morally bankrupt individual.

Be a person of character, stick with your principles - it pays!
The gains of foolishness and carelessness are always temporal. But, the pains last for a lifetime...

Thursday, 28 August 2008


I believe 100% in the bible; as such, most of the principles I share and live by are products of what it epitomizes.
One of the most fundamental lessons of the bible is that: “a labourer is worthy of his wages...”

Quite a lot of us have heard this line like a dozen times, we often believe it is an instruction to ‘EMPLOYERS’ concerning their ‘EMPLOYEES’.
There is another perspective to this injunction; it is the angle that concerns every one of us.

Let me start by saying, as a worker, YOU ARE WORTHY OF YOUR WAGE. You deserve it. Let this reality reflect in he way and manner you spend it.

It is funny how we punish ourselves with our salaries like we are some kind of 'beast of burden'.
You must
LEARN TO REWARD YOURSELF. Make it a rule to pay ‘yourself’ part of your salary.

Whenever I share this principle, I often hear responses like, “I AM SAVING FOR THE RAINY DAY...” My reply always is, ‘IT’S BEEN LONG IT STARTED RAINING’.
Let’s stop using certain wrong ideologies to justify our ignorance.

Don’t wear yourself out because of some ‘RAINY’ day philosophy. Health comes first, peace and happiness comes next. Every other thing comes after, including your projections.

I equally get responses like, “I have a family to take care of; I have a wife and kids at home to look after; my siblings and relatives are looking up to me for survival; I have this or that project...”

You need to stay alive for you to be there for whoever is depending on you. Friends, wisdom demands that you do what is necessary.
There was a time in life my life when I worked without breaks, it was as though 'WORK' was going out of fashion; though the money was coming in but my health was failing.
I could see the money, but I had made myself so ‘useless’ that I couldn’t spend it...
Nothing about and around me reflected that I was working so hard, except my bank account.
It was while I was on a sick bed that this principle hit me, it struck me real hard:

“A labourer is worthy of his wages...”
From that day till date, when I receive a #20 wage, I take outside #1 to reward myself, to tell myself THANK YOU for bringing in #20. The others can go to my dreams, my dependents e.t.c
Every time I do this, it does great wonders to my health and enthusiasm, it encourages me and it propels me to go for gold, always.

Dear friends, this is the principle of SMART WORK. This is one of the many little secrets of the rich. Learn to reward yourself... Get yourself a dress, go to a nice restaurant, buy yourself a drink, cook a nice meal... Just do something that encourages you that you are doing a nice job with your life.
If you can imbibe this principle, it will work wonders in your life and your finances.
You deserve a better life, be smart! Be good to yourself.

You must happen!

Wednesday, 27 August 2008


The most important vision killer I think we ought to know about is our CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS and our CIRCUMSTANCES; they will always try to stifle our dreams, more than anything else.
Your immediate limitations and circumstances do not wrestle what is not dear to you; they fight where you are headed. Circumstances and limitations battle with your sight, they contend with our vision... I believe it is for this sole reason the Holy book advises us to always live by faith [vision], not by sight [conditions].

I want to make a little reference to a story in the bible:

The bible recounts a very beautiful experience of how Jesus walked on water [a very deep sea, so deep was it that it sank a boat]. His disciple, Peter, who was inside the sinking, screamed to his Master that he equally wanted to ‘walk on water’.

In response, Jesus bade him “COME”.

Peter stepped on the water and began to walk on it. Despite the depth of the sea, Peter was able to walk on it as though he was on a dry land, as long as his EYES were on his VISION (Jesus).

The moment he removed his eyes from his vision (Jesus) and focused on his condition (the sea), he began to sink.

Everything was going well for him until he gave his limitations some attention... Everything was alright, until he thought about what he lacked.... he began to SINK because he removed his eyes from his vision and inabilities...

Without a vision, the people PERISH... We must stop looking at the wrong things; else those things we used to walk on will start walking on us.

Write your vision. Keep your eyes on it as you journey through life. Your eye on the vision is what determines how well you will rise above the vicissitudes of life. Every vision carries with it the ability to take the visioner to the top, irrespective of how horrible his condition or limitation are. All you have to do is learn to fight ALL distractions.

Anything that disturbs your vision will ultimately affect your mobility. Scriptures says: “For as far as your eyes can see, I will give unto you...” What this means is that, anything you can see, you will attract – negative or positive!

Dear friend, choose what you want to see today, and make sure you choose positive.

Perhaps, you may have been experiencing certain kinds of stumbling, fumbling, trembling and retardation, check what your eyes has been on. Probably, you have been focusing on the wrong things.

Always remember this, as long as Peter’s eyes were on his vision, he didn’t experience failures. The moment he focused on his conditions and limitations, he began to fail.

You must happen!