Often time, when you ask people about their assignment on earth, they always mistake it for some religion talk.
Far from it, every one of us has an assignment here on earth. The creator of this earth did everything with purpose in mind – He never created anything without reason. What He sees as purpose is what we consider as our ASSIGNMNET.
Life is reduced to a struggle if we don’t know or value our assignment. No man’s assignment is an extension of another; we all have unique assignment.
So, how do you know your assignment? There are certain gifts that God created you, we call them innate abilities.
These gifts are tools for your assignment. Equally, there is always something you are passionate about; it could be media music, politics, business... anything!
Passion is a leveller; everyone has it for something.
Your passion is tied to your assignment. You passion could be your interest or your hatred for something.
I hate poverty. Even if you want to pay me any amount to be poor, I will reject it. So, it fired up a passion in me to help people succeed through the fulfilment of their unique dreams.
I equally hate it when Christians beg. I hate it when Christians are referred to as church rats. I hate it when I see a Christian clothe himself in rags. Thus, it fired in me a passion to teach Christians how to use their gifts wisely to enjoy the best from life.
On the business angle, I love to see my idea work. I love it when I share ideas with people and they return to tell it’s the best they’ve ever heard. I feel deep joy anytime I see the fruits of my thoughts and ideas. I love to see the output of my creativity. Thus, I knew I had a thing for business management/ideas development. What did I do? I set up a company whose only interest is my passion.
Finally, I am angered by the moral bankruptcy in the media. I am angered by the way our children are being polluted through the media. I am annoyed at the manner in which the moral fibre of Nigeria’s hope is being damaged by people who should build it – the media {through morally bankrupt music, movies, deceiving news and lots more}. Thus, my interest is fired up to get into the media. In a short while from now, we are invading the media.
I had to explain all these so you will be motivated to locate where you belong. I am more than convinced all of these are my assignments on earth which is tied to one simple divine order I received some years ago – “build me a people of character, wealth and relevance...”
Yours doesn’t have to come the way mine came, not at all. That’s why we are all unique, and our experiences are also different – both with man and with God. There are people God talks to via challenges, secret pains, excitement, strange voices, experiences, dreams etc.
However, your assignment will always be about other people. It cannot be about you. If it’s all about you, then that is an AMBITION, not an ASSIGNMENT. The question maybe, “if it’s entirely about other people, how would I make my income, feed...”
The holy book answers it this way: “a man’s gift will make room [wealth] for him...” Send out your gifts and profit will come. As you live your assignment, people will definitely appreciate you for making their life better – it could come in form of payment of gifts.
Moses was called by God, for the people. Joseph was raised by God, for the people. Aaron was raised by God, for Moses. David was raised by God to conquer Goliath, for the people. Jesus was sent by God, for the people.
These men never lacked anything. You don’t have to be a priest. Your assignment may just be to change the face of engineering, beauty pageants, carpentry... It could be anything!
If your assignment is not tied to making other people’s life better, then there is a problem. Your assignment is one that will force you to look for all means to express it; even if it has to be free of charge. You just want to do it. You know it will make people better, so that propels you to action. This is why it is called ‘YOUR ASSIGNMENT’. Assignments are commands or errands by a higher authority, they are meant to be executed...
Each one of us is on planet earth to fulfil a command or an errand.
I love to inspire people through speeches and writings. There were times in my life when I begged editors to allow me write for their magazines, I begged endlessly. For heaven’s sake, I wanted to do it FREE, yet I begged persistently for it. Did most of them answer me? No! I had to create my own path...
I knew I had something that could make people’s life better. Even if they had to put my name as anonymous, I just didn’t care. ASSIGNMENT! I didn’t care about recognition or remuneration. I just wanted to affect lives with what I have within.
Friends, I implore you today: take out time and have a sincere conference with yourself. Ask yourself this all important question: “What is my assignment?” It is miserable to live through life without knowing your assignment. That is the definition of a WASTED LIFE.
You are important on this earth. You are not an error or an oversight. Each one of us has a portion to fill in the circle called EARTH; mine may not be as big as yours, but the reality is that I have a portion to fill. Get this truth into your head and begin to live according to God’s command that says: “occupy till I return...”
Never underestimate the importance of God in all of these. You did not create yourself; you cannot know why you are here, by yourself. Get acquainted with the one who created you and the planet you are in- “for the earth is the Lord’s [he owns it] and the fullness thereof [together with everything inside], and all that dwells in it – including YOU...”
I want to see you at the top – where you truly belong.
You must happen!
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