Thursday, 29 January 2009

"Sir, what is the dominant challenge facing the average Nigerian youth?"

Its been a very busy month. Speaking engagements, consulting sessions and lots of faith-based and social activities worthy of my time investment.

Last weekend, I was in Lagos, Nigeria for the DREAM BIG Conference 2009, organized by the 3M International, a vivacious and purpose-driven organization headed by Mr. Kenny olagbenjo. I spoke alongside Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo, Pastor of David Christian Center, situated in Lagos State, Nigeria. Never met the guy until that day, I must confess, the guy's got a head! He's both smart and intelligent. I was informed his church is a fast growing one, not so surprised though.

I had a great time with the folks there, predominantly youths. I spoke on the topic: THE DREAM, THE DREAMR and HIS GOD. It was a big wow!

At the end of the conference, I was approached by some press guys who asked me some salient questions bothering on the fate of the Nigerian youth. Chief amongst them was: "What do you think is the dorminant challenge faced by the average Nigerian youth?"
I didn't need to think much before answering this question. I have always said that the core issue the average Nigerian youth is faced with is LACK OF DIRECTION, KNOWLEDGE OF THE WRONG INFORMATION AND MENTORSHIP BY THE WRONG PERSONS.
This is the foundation of all the problems. What we lack is not just physical infracstructure, but mental infracstructure. We are a generation that is value-deficient. In a normal sane and progressive society, every youth ought to have a belief system he/she can live and equally die for, not just existing to accumulate age. Her youths must do more than mere existing... Her youths value education more than entertainment...

I think there is a very easy way out! I believe every youth in Nigeria connects to some religious belief system of some sort. So, if like we all know, the political class have failed this generation, shouldn't this be the right time for our religious leaders to provide the much needed direction and a selfless shoulder to lean on? Different from what should be, a huge bunch of our religious leaders seem to be socially irresponsible, so much so that they have several warped theologies to back up this unjingoistic attitude. To these ones, they are not socially obligated to society... Their obligation is to their 'God'! Sometimes I wonder, if this would have been the reactions of Jesus Christ [or Mohammed] to the gross mediocrity and moral bankruptcy that strangulates the dreams and hopes of the average Nigerian youth, if they were to live in our contemporary days?

The gross ineptitude and unpathrotic attitude of our religious leaders ought to change! They must do more than just sermonize... With the current shape of things in this country, the average Nigerian youth seems to have no where and no one to run to for help, guidance and assistance. He is left to FACE THE FIGHT, which in most cases, he unavoidablywalks into.

Fact is, at the end of the day, the responsibility for change all comes back to the individual youth. We must decide to be like the crop inside the soil; the crop always fights its way out. No matter the hardness of the soil, every determined crop somehow finds expression. Folks, no determined dreamer ever dies without expression. Determination is the key to expression and fulfilment, especially when you find yourself in a society like ours!

Every Nigerian youth must develop a dream for himself; a dream for his future. In the face of the seemingly ever-increasing challenges, we must choose to see with our minds, not our eyes. We must make a conscious choice to be 'eyely blinded' but 'mindly sighted'. We must make and take responsibility for our lives and choose to be the real pilot of our destinies, trusting God to lead the way, choosing to stand for what is right and shouting down all forms of mediocrity and warped perspectives that seeks to undermine our future and the worth of our present.

There is hope for this country. More than ever, I know there is hope from my generation. Weekly, I move around this country and I meet with outstanding youths, the exceptionally intelligent and purpose-driven ones. Most of them have taken it upon themselves the sole responsiblity of building this country from where they are, the very best way they can... Who dares say there is no hope? There is!This is the best generation ever!

I dare say, certain elements in the failed generation should be wary of the kind of values they try to hand down to us, because henceforth, we are going to test and x-ray them, before accepting any. That is, if at all we will.

We now know we are indeed the pilots of our destinies!

Friday, 9 January 2009


Yesterday, I was at my clothier’s office to fix some things for 2009. Upon entering, I met some kind of discuss on religion. Once the guys noticed my presence, the discuss got heated, I guess this was because some of the folks in my clothier's office had come to appreciate my stand on issues of religion, and by inference, my faith. Guess what? The whole debate was on modern-day ‘Pastors’ and their 'antics!'

Several issues were raised. Heard from the folks how a certain ‘pastor’ was arrested and he allegedly confessed to being the leader of a gang of notorious armed robbers. Another was said to be the backbone of a cartel specialized in car snatching!

The folks also talked about certain ‘pastors’ who they say practically extort money from their congregation.

As I made to sit, one of the folks turned towards me and said: “Imagine! When a pastor knows that the monthly income of his follower is not more than One Hundred Thousand Naira, he still doesn’t raise any eye-brow when such a person brings a ‘seed’ of Five Million naira to him...”

They went on and on. As I made to leave, one of the men, who obviously had come from a nearby shop, made a remark that struck me: “If not that some of us have personal revelation and relationship of and with God, we would have long doubted if God truly exists, taking into cognizance all the fraud perpetuated by these self-styled ‘clergy men’...”

Folks, nothing these guys said was new to me. My only embarrassment was that they also know what was happening within the 'house'.

I am a 'church boy' and also a proud worker in the body of Christ. Thus, if I am really truthful, I should own up to knowing what’s happening within the ‘house’ and shouldn’t be plastic about it.

I have always spoken about certain current practices in the body of Christ and how it was negatively affecting society and several innocent believers of Christ alike. Like I told a friend, it seems to me that those who have failed in various vocations and professions have finally resorted to being ‘pastors’. God’s work is now handled with the approach of a ‘vocation’.

The general notion is that the days are long gone when ‘God’ called people into ministry. Now, you can call yourself into. It is now a game, and the man with the best tongue and manipulation is mostly likely to get into prominence. It is now sheer fraud and deception!

Today’s ‘pastors’ don’t and can’t speak the truth anymore. It is no longer God’s word; it is now our ‘word’. We no longer have ‘Men of God’ but ‘Men of the People’. Why will they even speak the truth when they have no moral standing to do so! It is now all about the money and the fame, as against being examples and a standard for others to live by.
For this present generation of ‘pastors’, God can stay in Heaven for all they care and whatever will be on judgement day, let it be! Instead of being worried about the effect of failing in ministry, they are worried about the effects of failing in life!

We know of a lot of churches happily patronized by fraudsters, not because they are sure of being transformed or gaining salvation, but the ‘pastor’ of this local assembly has a reputation of ‘blessing’ the “works of their hands”. There are certain churches fraudsters won’t attend. This is because they know the pastor will always hit them below the belt. But, these new wave self-styled ‘pastors’ don’t see anything wrong in their choice of vocation. A ‘pastor’ was quoted to have told his congregation: “I have seen and tasted poverty, I know what it means to be miserably poor... DO EVERYTHING you can to make money, provided you don’t kill anybody...”
Hear a ‘pastor’s’ counsel to his flocks: “DO ANYTHING TO GET MONEY!” Little wonder, an ample number of his congregation are purportedly internet fraudsters! According to one of them: “his prayer works like magic... once he prays for me and I get on the internet to chat, it works like an enchantment! But, I make sure after ‘pastor’ touches my hand, I don’t have any handshake with anybody until after using the internet...”

Where on earth has the fear of God exiled to? Where do these superficial ‘pastors’ get their guts from? We know He is rich in Mercy, but can’t God do anything about this particular issue? I mean, His name is being ridiculed here!

I am scared and worried! This is for the reason that every priest has followers, irrespective of whether he is genuine or not. My worry is what the 'false prophets' are doing to their innocent ‘flocks’ and what they are becoming due to their self-seeking and warped view of the real God.

To my mind, what has turned ‘church’ into what it is today is as a result of the craving and demand from the people for certain forms of magic.

Everybody likes a ‘miracle’ pastor. Everybody likes a ‘prophetic’ pastor. Everybody likes a ‘prosperity’ preacher. While there is nothing wrong in this, the approach is wrong. If you are neither of these, you may not go far in this present age. It seems to me like these are the demands of the ‘profession’.

The cravings of the people are; the desire to get rich, the ability to be healed of any physical or spiritual ailment, the desire to be rich and also the power to “kill your enemies”.

Quite naturally, any man who can promise them any of these will capture their hearts and their physical presence, including their pockets. This is one reason ‘pastors’ seek ‘powers’ by all means possible. While some run to God, others return to their master, the devil. Certainly, what the fool teaches them are tricks and deception.

I ask: “why can’t those in the latter group just come out plain and allow themselves gain easy identification as ‘native doctors’? Why use the devil's deception and camouflage with God’s garments?”

So much evil is being done using the name of the Lord as cover, and lots of people are being misdirected. In my own little thoughts, I ask: “why would God wait till ‘judgement day’?”

Certain ‘pastors’ are capitalizing on the vulnerability of people to exploit them. Is there another definition for define deceit? Not too long, there was this issue of how some children in Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria, were being branded as “witch children” by some of these self-professing ‘pastors’.

Unsurprisingly, there were some ‘pastors’ who claimed they could ‘cure’ them. Guess what? The 'cure' wasn’t coming FREE! Some of these pastors charged between One Hundred Thousand Naira and Four Hundred Thousand Naira. I like to call these ‘pastors’: the bigger witches!

In the event that the parents of these ‘witch-children’ cannot pay for the deliverance, the ‘cured’ children are kept back with these ‘witch-curing pastors’ to act as slaves to them, until the hapless parents’ can gather the money for their final freedom.

I wonder! I wonder!! How did we get here? What sort of mess is this? Is this what the younger generation will take after? Obviously, it is going to get out of proportion if they do! How do we get out of these muddle we have dragged the Christian faith into? What is the function of the various Christian bodies? Are the leaders ‘pure’ themselves?

More than ever, we need divine intervention. We must get rid of every rogue in priestly garment!

Thursday, 1 January 2009


I have always held as true the belief that life is spiritual. Expectedly, a few persons with superficial view to life would play down this obvious reality. This, I believe, is one of the core reasons many amongst us end up as playthings in destiny – the wrong approach and outlook to life!

Of a truth, 2008 was a great year. Frankly too, it has entered into the dustbin of history. But for the grace of the God Almighty, many of us could have ended up in the history books of 2008. That you are reading this piece is a solid proof that you ‘came, saw and conquered...’ At least, I know I don’t yet write for ‘spirits’

2009 is here! Perhaps, some folks lived in 2008 like it was never going to end, while some others prayed and hoped it ended quicker than normal. For the former, instead of being joyous 2008 was coming to an end, they could greet the end of the year with mixed feelings, with fears and doubts of what the future holds. Too bad there is nothing anybody can do about it! 2009 is here to stay.

So, how do you start off, manage and make the best of the New Year?

Every wise man appreciates the concept of strategy. He knows it is the surest way to conclude a thing even before starting it.
God Almighty is our Master Strategist. The Bible says about Him: “He plans the end from the beginning...” We need to live our lives like this.
Everyone who operates life with the strategy-mentality will always end up a voice and a force to reckon with in destiny. However, success in life demands a little more than regular strategy; you must have a God-strategy! The Holy book clearly reveals the import of this when it says:
“For with God (and His strategy), nothing shall be impossible...”

So, how do we go about developing a God-strategy for 2009? Let me tell you what I did and how!
Personally, I took the last 4days off to a private location; away from family, friends and admirers. My phones were switched off for the entire 4days I was there. I took a few inspirational literatures along, a notepad and of course, my manual - The Holy Bible.

The entire 4days was one of deep soul searching; x-raying where I believe I succeeded, failed and performed below average in the year 2008. I took out quality time to thank God for all the victories of 2008; for the gift of life and the privilege of knowing and having Him as my Pilot in destiny. Thereafter, I declared all that I wanted to see in 2009; telling God I desire to see only the things that align with His will for my life; I don't want any record of 2008 to repeat itself in 2009. I also spent some time addressing other personal issues before Him.

After the prayer sessions, I took out time to plan some major parts of my 2009, wrote down a few thoughts for some of my scheduled speaking engagements in 2009. Also, studied portions of the Holy Bible and the literatures I took along.

Indeed, it was a period of deep spiritual strategizing for me and a generous opportunity to ‘FIX’ my 2009. No doubt, I am not going to be shocked at the amazing things I will experience in 2009; I already settled that out with God, and I made sure I didn’t leave His Presence until He gave me guarantees. Indeed, 2009 is going to be year of RAPID SUCCESS!. Like He has declared: “It’s a year of MANIFESTATION AND DOUBLE RESTORATION”.

In my customary manner, I told most of my protégés to do same. That is, taking out quality time towards the end part of the 2008 to ‘FIX’ the New Year - 2009. I can still remember one of them asking me: “Sir, are you saying I should spend 4days praying... what will I be saying the entire days?” I had to explain my strategy to him; you are to PRAY and THINK!
No doubt, these ones are going to soar above their peers in 2009. This is an unbreakable law of success: When you do [correctly] what others don’t do, you will get what they don’t get.

I have seen many folks step into their future and are surprised to see it empty! Why the shock? You cannot make withdrawals from an account you never made deposits... When others were praying, they were playing. When others were planning, they were sound asleep. When others were groaning, they were grooving. You can’t plant corn and reap pineapple! It is your ‘investing’ that sets the pace for your ‘harvesting’.

For those who couldn’t take out time towards the end part of 2008, you can do so now as 2009 has just begun! You could take 2, 3, 4 or more days off, depending on how much you can sacrifice at the moment. I bet you, it will pay off!

Don’t forget: LIFE IS SPIRITUAL, don't leave it to chance. Only those with this understanding will make major headlines in 2009! For God said, “In 2009, if you don’t hear me, men will not hear you”. The easiest way to become a FOCUS in your world is to make God your FOCUS - when you see God, men will see you. Logic and human reasoning cannot take you all-the-way! If you maintain a sound relationship with the Creator of the universe in 2009, it will be totally impossible for you to lack anything in the universe.

You deserve the best, go for it!