I have always held as true the belief that life is spiritual. Expectedly, a few persons with superficial view to life would play down this obvious reality. This, I believe, is one of the core reasons many amongst us end up as playthings in destiny – the wrong approach and outlook to life!
Of a truth, 2008 was a great year. Frankly too, it has entered into the dustbin of history. But for the grace of the God Almighty, many of us could have ended up in the history books of 2008. That you are reading this piece is a solid proof that you ‘came, saw and conquered...’ At least, I know I don’t yet write for ‘spirits’...lol
2009 is here! Perhaps, some folks lived in 2008 like it was never going to end, while some others prayed and hoped it ended quicker than normal. For the former, instead of being joyous 2008 was coming to an end, they could greet the end of the year with mixed feelings, with fears and doubts of what the future holds. Too bad there is nothing anybody can do about it! 2009 is here to stay.
So, how do you start off, manage and make the best of the New Year?
Every wise man appreciates the concept of strategy. He knows it is the surest way to conclude a thing even before starting it.
God Almighty is our Master Strategist. The Bible says about Him: “He plans the end from the beginning...”
Everyone who operates life with the strategy-mentality will always end up a voice and a force to reckon with in destiny. However, success in life demands a little more than regular strategy; you must have a God-strategy! The Holy book clearly reveals the import of this when it says: “For with God (and His strategy), nothing shall be impossible...”
So, how do we go about developing a God-strategy for 2009? Let me tell you what I did and how!
Personally, I took the last 4days off to a private location; away from family, friends and admirers. My phones were switched off for the entire 4days I was there. I took a few inspirational literatures along, a notepad and of course, my manual - The Holy Bible.
The entire 4days was one of deep soul searching; x-raying where I believe I succeeded, failed and performed below average in the year 2008. I took out quality time to thank God for all the victories of 2008; for the gift of life and the privilege of knowing and having Him as my Pilot in destiny. Thereafter, I declared all that I wanted to see in 2009; telling God I desire to see only the things that align with His will for my life; I don't want any record of 2008 to repeat itself in 2009. I also spent some time addressing other personal issues before Him.
After the prayer sessions, I took out time to plan some major parts of my 2009, wrote down a few thoughts for some of my scheduled speaking engagements in 2009. Also, studied portions of the Holy Bible and the literatures I took along.
Indeed, it was a period of deep spiritual strategizing for me and a generous opportunity to ‘FIX’ my 2009. No doubt, I am not going to be shocked at the amazing things I will experience in 2009; I already settled that out with God, and I made sure I didn’t leave His Presence until He gave me guarantees. Indeed, 2009 is going to be year of RAPID SUCCESS!. Like He has declared: “It’s a year of MANIFESTATION AND DOUBLE RESTORATION”.
In my customary manner, I told most of my protégés to do same. That is, taking out quality time towards the end part of the 2008 to ‘FIX’ the New Year - 2009. I can still remember one of them asking me: “Sir, are you saying I should spend 4days praying... what will I be saying the entire days?” I had to explain my strategy to him; you are to PRAY and THINK!
No doubt, these ones are going to soar above their peers in 2009. This is an unbreakable law of success: When you do [correctly] what others don’t do, you will get what they don’t get.
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