The folks also talked about certain ‘pastors’ who they say practically extort money from their congregation.
As I made to sit, one of the folks turned towards me and said: “Imagine! When a pastor knows that the monthly income of his follower is not more than One Hundred Thousand Naira, he still doesn’t raise any eye-brow when such a person brings a ‘seed’ of Five Million naira to him...”
I have always spoken about certain current practices in the body of Christ and how it was negatively affecting society and several innocent believers of Christ alike. Like I told a friend, it seems to me that those who have failed in various vocations and professions have finally resorted to being ‘pastors’. God’s work is now handled with the approach of a ‘vocation’.
Today’s ‘pastors’ don’t and can’t speak the truth anymore. It is no longer God’s word; it is now our ‘word’. We no longer have ‘Men of God’ but ‘Men of the People’. Why will they even speak the truth when they have no moral standing to do so! It is now all about the money and the fame, as against being examples and a standard for others to live by.
For this present generation of ‘pastors’, God can stay in Heaven for all they care and whatever will be on judgement day, let it be! Instead of being worried about the effect of failing in ministry, they are worried about the effects of failing in life!
We know of a lot of churches happily patronized by fraudsters, not because they are sure of being transformed or gaining salvation, but the ‘pastor’ of this local assembly has a reputation of ‘blessing’ the “works of their hands”. There are certain churches fraudsters won’t attend. This is because they know the pastor will always hit them below the belt. But, these new wave self-styled ‘pastors’ don’t see anything wrong in their choice of vocation. A ‘pastor’ was quoted to have told his congregation: “I have seen and tasted poverty, I know what it means to be miserably poor... DO EVERYTHING you can to make money, provided you don’t kill anybody...”
Hear a ‘pastor’s’ counsel to his flocks: “DO ANYTHING TO GET MONEY!” Little wonder, an ample number of his congregation are purportedly internet fraudsters! According to one of them: “his prayer works like magic... once he prays for me and I get on the internet to chat, it works like an enchantment! But, I make sure after ‘pastor’ touches my hand, I don’t have any handshake with anybody until after using the internet...”
Everybody likes a ‘miracle’ pastor. Everybody likes a ‘prophetic’ pastor. Everybody likes a ‘prosperity’ preacher. While there is nothing wrong in this, the approach is wrong. If you are neither of these, you may not go far in this present age. It seems to me like these are the demands of the ‘profession’.
Quite naturally, any man who can promise them any of these will capture their hearts and their physical presence, including their pockets. This is one reason ‘pastors’ seek ‘powers’ by all means possible. While some run to God, others return to their master, the devil. Certainly, what the fool teaches them are tricks and deception.
Certain ‘pastors’ are capitalizing on the vulnerability of people to exploit them. Is there another definition for define deceit? Not too long, there was this issue of how some children in Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria, were being branded as “witch children” by some of these self-professing ‘pastors’.
Unsurprisingly, there were some ‘pastors’ who claimed they could ‘cure’ them. Guess what? The 'cure' wasn’t coming FREE! Some of these pastors charged between One Hundred Thousand Naira and Four Hundred Thousand Naira. I like to call these ‘pastors’: the bigger witches!
In the event that the parents of these ‘witch-children’ cannot pay for the deliverance, the ‘cured’ children are kept back with these ‘witch-curing pastors’ to act as slaves to them, until the hapless parents’ can gather the money for their final freedom.
I wonder! I wonder!! How did we get here? What sort of mess is this? Is this what the younger generation will take after? Obviously, it is going to get out of proportion if they do! How do we get out of these muddle we have dragged the Christian faith into? What is the function of the various Christian bodies? Are the leaders ‘pure’ themselves?
More than ever, we need divine intervention. We must get rid of every rogue in priestly garment!
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