Monday, 23 February 2009


Sometime around last week, we started talking about BIG DREAMS; the how's and the why's.
Today, we will continue in that light, but we will take it a step further and a little deeper.

For you to be successful in life, you must first think success! You must see SUCCESS in your life as POSSIBLE. God told Abraham in Genesis 13:14 "As far as your eyes can see, I will give it to you..." It was now Abraham's responsibility to 'see' and imagine great things; away from the lack in his family, away from limitations in his life, away from the evil people were whispering around him about him, away from the shame in his life....! In other words, God was asking Abraham: "How much can you handle?" Whatever he finalized, God gave him. This same God doesn't show partiality, what He did to Abraham is what He wants to do to all His creation'

Dear friend, you will never get more than you can see. The size of your diving package is provoked by the size of your seeing. How much you see is what determines how much you will seize.

Dreams are developed by imaginations. By the way, your imagination is elastic. How far you can stretch is what determines how much you will get from life (Genesis 11:6). Imagination is the tool for dream formation. Your imagination is what prepares your destination. Every man who is a success or failure is actually a product of his imagination.

To be a success in life, it is not just enough to be a 'hard worker', you must also be a 'success thinker'. The bible says it clear: "By strength shall no man prevail..." but "Be get your transformation by renewing [and making use] of your mind..." Success is always inside-out and not outside-in. We have so many hard-workers who have nothing to show for it. It takes wisdom to triumph in this world of ours. It takes a 'good head'. You must use your head, you must let your mind work!

God will only reward you in proportion to what you can handle. The bible says about Him: "He will never put more on you than you can bear..." This works both for good and evil! So, you must stretch your imagination so can get as much as you should from Him. God cannot be limited by the weight of your desires. So, why pity for Him? Think the impossible, think the unusual. Set yourself up for it. That you could think it actually means it is possible.

We will talk about the next phase in my next post.

Have a super-productive day!

Thursday, 12 February 2009


I am a strong believer in the FUTURE of this country. The 'FUTURE' is not just some imagination, vague picture or wish. To me, the 'FUTURE' is a people. Whenever I talk about 'THE FUTURE OF NIGERIA', I am talking about ‘MY GENERATION’. I believe in my generation and the lot we have to offer our country. Irrespective of our horrifying past and challenging present.

It is for this reason I do what I do; inspire, provide direction and guidance to members of my generation to ensure peak performance and all-round successful living...

For the next couple of days (maybe weeks), I will be talking about DREAMS! I will narrow down my focus on the subject: THE BIGGER THE DREAM! This is a excerpt of one of my recent presentations!

There are some basic facts that none of us can argue. One of them is: everything outstanding begins in dream form. It first begins in the 'seed' form before developing or growing into 'food' form. Many people are quick to celebrate the 'food' state, forgetting there was ever a 'seed' form.

What exactly is my point? You cannot succeed in life without a DREAM! A man or woman without a DREAM will die a slave! Wishes are for slaves, DREAMS are for masters, pacesetters and front liners!

Now to the basics! One thing is certain, we didn't all come from same backgrounds. While some of us came from average homes, others came from affluent backgrounds, while some others came from terribly poor backgrounds.

To my mind, your 'background' is your door to planet earth. The quality of your background does not count much. For instance, there are many doors into a beautiful hall, it does not matter much which door you came through into the hall. What matters is that you end up getting into hall and securing a seat in the hall! This is what counts! Friends, destiny doesn’t care much which ‘door’ you came through into this world; you are already here – make impact.

Here is another illustration.
If you put a gold wristwatch into a dirt bin, the dirt-bin does not turn into a wristwatch. Neither does the wristwatch become dirt. The wristwatch may not have increased in value, but the dirt-bin increased in value. Why? It had a gold wristwatch inside it.

What is the lesson? It does not matter which dustbin you were born into, you are created to add value to it. You must add value to your family; you must add value to your nation.

Stop holding unto or complaining because of your background. Do not tie yourself to your past. There is more ahead of you than there is behind you. You can be all you choose to be, irrespective of how you have been.
There is hope for the man that chooses dream, against all odds...

We will talk about the ‘START POINT’ on my next post!

Keep happening!