Wednesday, 22 October 2008


Any Nigerian who is truly mindful of the future will be bothered about the present condition of things in this country.... I don’t want to over-flog certain issues, as such; I am looking away from the food crisis, unemployment rate and unemployability dilemma, financial corruption, insensitive political manipulation...

I am very vexed and deeply concerned about the moral future of the average Nigerian youths. At the moment, the picture of the future seems very bleak and depressing. We can’t keep pretending that it is nothing to worry much about. Fact is, each one of us will someday pay for our silence and docility regarding this issue. Sometimes one wonders if our conscience has taken sudden flight from us!

In today’s Nigeria, the average kid of 6, 7 and 8years is becoming very heartless, pitiless, brutal, ruthless and non-emotional. Visit our schools and you will hear of certain degrees of violence meted-out by these minors on their peers. Is this their reaction to what society has forced them to learn? When you hear how some of these violence and insensitivity is meted out by these toddlers, your ears will tingle, you will weep! One is forced to ask: “How did this start? What have we done to ourselves? How did we lose it? Where do we go from here?”

We can’t keep pretending this is not a problem that requires urgent consideration and attention. Deviously fighting financial corruption and other superficial vices without pondering on how to consciously build morals and instill values in the next generation of leaders is an exercise in futility... Insensitivity and moral bankruptcy is being handed down like some form of inheritance to the younger ones... The school system shouldn’t look away from this either; academics without character is not education!

In one of the ASA’s songs, she reeled her viewpoint this way: “There is fire on the mountain and nobody seems to be on the run.... One day the river will overflow and there will be no where for us to go, we will run, run… wishing we had put up a fight…”

Once upon a time, we were a people with high reverence for morals and values! All of a sudden, certain attitudes and actions we formerly considered as taboo, evil and wicked have suddenly become good, nice and right in the eyes of a lot of us... What's more, the spirit of communal living is dead. Everybody minds his/her private concerns... The days when every child was the responsibility of the community he/she lives in is long gone.... every parent now guards and defends their child from the discipline of others, notwithstanding the distasteful attitude he/she puts up.

Every sense of morality and values has since exiled from our midst. Our youths now live life like people who are beheaded; they don’t think before acting anymore! Our sense of the future is virtually comatose... If we keep hiding our heads and shifting responsibility, we may someday wake-up only to realize we have been wasting our national life, due to our downplaying issues concerning morality and values...

One wonders if there’s a future for any nation whose media constitute a deliberate threat to the moral fibre of her young ones. Our music and movies are not any good. Everything is being done with only financial gains in view... The belief of almost every Nigerian artiste and entertainer is that to make it big and rise to fame, you have to exploit the vulnerability of people... Unfortunately for our young ones, most of these morally bankrupt individuals are projected/endorsed as ‘ambassadors’ and role models... By these ones, our children and young ones are constantly bombarded with warped perspectives to life... We are gradually raising an MTV generation, in Nigeria! Nobody seems to worry about its effects!

While I am not [deliberately] trying to sermonize, I want to state here that any country that downplays spirituality, all in the name of modernization is sick and really needs help. It is evident to all that America started losing it when she opted for this path...

It’s time for us to tackle certain fundamental issues. We must hold the future dear to our heart and consciously work towards building it. A child not carefully and appropriately trained will someday become a treat and a dread to society. By this I also mean, an [awful] attitude not addressed in its infancy will someday develop to be a disgrace and a source of embarrassment to the ‘owner’ and her neighbours.

We can build a desirable future, if only we want to! We know exactly what to do, but have constantly focused on what we can do nothing about... It is time for the much needed paradigm shift – in our thinking pattern and attitude to life and our future!

We must speak against and fight anything [and anyone] that attempts to weaken and demoralize our collective future! Our younger ones [future] deserves something better!

Tuesday, 14 October 2008


Self-imagery [HOW YOU SEE YOURSELF] matters a lot in the equation of success. There is no way you can be successful if you see yourself as ‘not-good-enough’ or a ‘never-do-well’. Our perceptions of life are what attract the circumstances of life to us... “AS A MAN THINKS IN HIS HEART, SO HE [and situations] SHALL BE...” This implies that Nigeria will NEVER be productive for those who think she is cursed!

From experience, I have discovered that over 88% of individuals in our generation suffer an esteem problem. Their lives have been wrongly shaped by the situations, suggestions and opinions of other people. In many cases, the opinions were intended to be a joke. But somehow, it had a negative effect on the person it was used on... Whatever goes into the mind must someday cry for expression.

Dear friends, the people around you are the ones who paint the picture you will have about yourself. This is why it very important you consciously hang around people who believe in you and who use good words on you. We are all made by words, what we hear and believe shapes us.... What we hear is what decides how we see ourselves...

The way you see yourself is what decides what you pursue. Your self-imagery affects your goals and dreams... This is why how you see yourself is as, if not more, important than how you see God. Ask the 12 spies and the 2 leprous men in the bible...

God never created an error. He never created a failure. Every man has a star, what matters is just SEASON. When Jesus Christ was born, it was His star that attracted the 3 wise men... Even Jabez had a STAR; he later became the one that saved his city...
Just as you have a unique STAR, you also have a SEASON. Make a conscious choice not to faint before your SEASON shows up. When your SEASON dawns, your success will be uncontrollable, uncontainable, overwhelming....

Against all odds, make it a deliberate decision to always see yourself in positive light as a great person and to always say good things about life and your Creator... Never create or allow room for regrets.

I am very confident that “THE-NEXT-BIG-THING-TO-HAPPEN” just read this piece.
You will succeed!

Friday, 10 October 2008

The RIVER or the POND mentality...

What is life without impact? What is the essence of being alive if you can’t positively affect the lives of those around you?

To my mind, the whole essence of life is to positively affect other people and make their life better. Let’s reflect on these timeless words.... “Let your light so brightly shine such that men will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven....” This simply means that your impact in the lives of people should make them thank God that somebody like you exists...

“You are the salt of the earth...” Salt is designed to add flavour to meals.... As ‘salt of the earth’, you have been created to add value to the lives of people... A life that doesn’t contribute VALUE is a waste of time. When people think of you, what solution comes to mind? If you should leave this planet tomorrow afternoon, what are we going to miss?

Until you have people in mind, nobody will have you in mind. Jesus fed 5,000 men, this was after he had taken the pains of tendering to their spiritual needs.... Spiritual food and physical food... We understand that they ate until they were full, it was beyond some form of 'Holy Communion.' The bible also had this about him: “He went about doing good...”

We must drop our pond mentality and accept the river mentality. A river flows, but a pond retains anything that gets to it.
Dear friend, when you close your hand from giving things to people, don’t forget it is also closed from receiving....A man that waters will inevitably be watered... Nothing invested in the life of a fellow man is a waste. Your reward mustn’t necessarily come from those you invested in, but your harvest is guaranteed!!!
Most times, some of us refuse to invest in certain individuals because we can’t imagine ever needing things from such people anywhere in the future...... In case you have never noticed: our future is not written on our foreheads. Besides, NEVER EVER CONCLUDE ON A MAN THAT'S STILL BREATHING!!!

Have you noticed that every pond has a foul adour? But, a river doesn’t stink! You must learn to be a channel, things should pass through you! If you choose to be a ‘withholder’, people will hate being around you. I believe this is one of the little secrets of politicians.... We must learn how to spread the little we have, however we can to better the lives of others. A wise man once said: "those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot hide it come from coming to them..."

Folks, I believe there is at least something you have that you currently don’t make use of and somebody somewhere is dying to have it. Reach out your hand in love! If you must affect your world, you must realize there is a need...reach out! There are problems everywhere, don't pretend you don't know about it!

When the Bible says “the memory of the just is blessed...”, what it actually meant was that every time people think about a just man and whenever his name is mentioned, the people are happy... This is because of his contributions to their lives... A just man notices there is a need in the lives of people, and he moves ahead to meet it. You may not be able to meet everything, but there is always something every one of us can contribute.

People need mentors. They know that without a mentor, they will will melt-up. People need direction. They know that without direction, they will be slow in motion. People need instructors... People need teachers... People need role models; they need people to pattern their lives after.... A man without a role model will soon become an old model....

There are problems everywhere.... if you refuse to solve the problems you see around, you are already part of the problem.......

Be rest assured: if you decide to look out for yourself alone, nobody will see you... Start looking out for people and everybody will notice you.

This is the key to relevance and happiness: adding colour and beauty to the lives of others.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008


As we slowly but surely travel towards the end part of the year, it is so vital for us to review our strategies and dispose of whatever isn’t working or producing for us...
I have always believed that life is more spiritual than physical; despite all the book knowledge, broad exposure and wide ranging experiences we may strive for have, nothing substitutes for God-knowledge and God-consciousness.

Therefore, to have a productive and happy ending this year, you truly have to make God a central part of your every step.
The Holy bible says: “Who is he that plans a thing and it comes to reality, if the Lord’s hand is not involved...” It further says: “Except the Lord builds the city, the builder builds in vain...” and “Promotion doesn’t come from the South, East or West, but from the father ABOVE...”

At the end of the day, “Except the Lord watches over a city [business, family, relationship...], the watchmen watch but in vain...”

Dear friends, as we live each day and go about our dealings, let’s hold firm to the Creator of all creatures so we can enjoy His creation and live life as He designed.... No doubt, you may still have huge challenges and goals you thought you should have achieved or risen over before this time of the year.... It is still very possible!

Folks, it took God only 6 days to create this entire planet.... including all the wonders in it that amazes you...
Between now and the end of the year, you still have over 74 days for a miracle to take place in your life... there is more than enough time for God to do the unimaginable in and through your life.... This year will not end until your story changes and your dreams achieved!

THE KEY? ASK, SEEK, KNOCK! Nothing comes from Him except you A.S.K for it.... “For I will give you the desires of your heart...”
Your asking Him is a proof of your total dependence, reliance and confidence on Him and a reflection of the fact that your hopes are not entirely on your strength.... It is only Him that can crown the efforts of our hands with good success!

When you A.S.K, He will give you direction and send relevant people into your life to make your dreams fulfilled and desires achieved.

Dear friend, you can still end this year very happily. The key is in your hand... “For God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all you can think, ask or imagine...”

Your creator is interested in your wonderful and successful ending. But, it will never be possible when you alienate and keep distance from Him...
“FOR THE THIEF COMES TO STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY....” The goal of the ENEMY is to ruin your end part of this year. The ENEMY doesn’t fight your START; he waits for your END part. He doesn’t fight conception, he fights delivery... He didn’t fight January – September, he is waiting for October – December!
This is why it is very important to hold on to the one who came to: “GIVE YOU LIFE AND LIFE IN ALL ITS RICHNESS AND BEAUTY...”

You must happen!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008


Happy independence, Nigeria!

Unlike every other year, I am so happy about this year’s celebration, maybe it’s because the Nigerian people and the world generally is gradually falling in love with the ‘Nigerian-thing’.

Dear friends, this is the best time to share ideas, not just drink, eat or sleep. It is more than a holiday. This is the best time for us to look at where we’ve been and decide where we want to be in 1year, 5years, 10years time. It is not up to ‘Aso-Rock’ alone, every Nigerian is a decision-maker as far as our national progress is concerned.

To start with, every nation is ruled by systems. America is said to be the greatest nation on earth; this is because of their systems. No president works all by himself... He is under the rule of systems. Thus, the rot in our system is not personage, it is systemic. Therefore, for a better and more virile Nigeria, the system must be re-worked.

The systemic problem is what has defectively affected the mentality of our people. Up until now, our minds have been conditioned to look up to a central body to take care of us and our needs. The ‘slave-master’ thing is still there... Thus, a married man believes his only responsibility is to impregnate his wife; the rest is left to government.

Our minds have to be reconditioned. The million-naira question is: HOW?

Let’s look at 2 very practical ways....

I have discovered that virtually everybody has passed through both or one of these 2 fundamental systems: the religious system or school system. We have all gone or still going through these systems.

If you carry out a very scrupulous scrutiny, you will discover that a lot of our mental conditioning has been a product of these two systems. The defects in our society are a reflection of the rot and decay in these two systems.

First, the school system must be restructured. Up until now, the school system has made everything UNI-DIRECTIONAL. Students are trained to rely on a central body for their wellbeing and future. Thus, when he fails, there is somebody he throws his blame at. Students are not trained to RESPOND TO THEIR ABILITY, but to rely on other people’s ability... The minds of these young ones are conditioned to worship wealth... Their minds are accustomed to be dependent – the SLAVE MENTALITY... These young ones are trained to shift responsibilities. Since most of us have passed through this system, we were also mentally conditioned same way...

For a change, entrepreneurial thinking has to be taught and emphasized. Responsibility thinking. There is more to life and living than what the system currently offers. These young ones, who are supposed to be the productive strength of the Nation, are so ignorant of what truly works. Like Plato once said: “what you know is infinitesimal compared to your size of ignorance...”

There must be conscious redefinition of standards for redirection for the benefit of the FUTURE.

Each citizen of a nation is an independent idea that can develop this country. This implies that we have over 140million ideas to move this nation forward, this is much! All we need now is for each citizen to express his/her unique being. The reason babies are born every day is because the world is not yet what it should be. There is something every person can contribute, there is. We are the most blessed Nation on the face of the earth, yet we live in the poorest conditions.

How do we move Nigerians forward? Simple! Let every Nigerian be courageous enough to express his unique being. Have a personal dream that will profit you and your country, and fight to make it a REALITY. Despite the several odds - where there is a will, there will be a way. As individuals, we must have the “what can I do” mentality.

Let’s embrace the RESPONSIBILITY mentality – RESPONSE TO ABILITY.

I will talk about the defective religious system tomorrow...

Have a most productive and fulfilling 'independence-day' celebration!